College: My overall tips

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Before I started college, I did a LOT of online searching. I was obsessed with looking at room decor and outfit ideas, and I had no idea what I was getting into. Here is a real list of a few things you need to know before you start college.

1. You WILL make friends, the pace is up to you.
Some people struggle to find friends in high school, the cattiness can get to people. In college, however, everyone is new and everyone is looking for friendships. When I first moved into my dorm, I tried to leave the door open when I was around. Your dorm will be filled with people who are potential friends; my now best friends lived right across the hall from me. Elizabeth and Cambria had the courage to invite me to dinner, and the rest is history. Another great place to meet people is campus organizations. Pick a hobby, any hobby, and I promise you will meet people. I also recommend checking out Greek life! Many of my closest friends are in sororities and they all consider it to be one of their best decisions in college. The last place to network is on your class Facebook page. Just Search "UNCC Class of 2018" and you can find thousands of students who are just getting started! One time my roommate needed superglue to repair a frame, and she used the Facebook page to find someone to borrow glue from!

2. People don't dress like you think.
I had my first day of class outfit all picked out, just like in high school. Looking back, I don't regret dressing up, and I won't apologize for it to this day because that's who I am. However..... college students are rolling out of bed, coming back from late nights at the library/club, and trying to make it to class. As such, the preferred "uniform" of college students are yoga pants, sweatshirts, and tennis shoes. Girls, do you own a hat by chance? If not, you should. This hat will become your lifeline for when your hair looks a mess and you have to be in class in fifteen minutes. I have found that being comfortable is key; classrooms are often cold and lectures can be long. Dress up when you have presentations, and by no means do you have to wear Norts everyday!

3. Invest in a good computer!
I cannot stress this enough. When I went to college, I was torn on spending a good chunk of my graduation money to buy a $1,000 computer. However, here I am two years later, with an amazing laptop that still runs like new and has never failed me. I have had windows computers in the past, but none have ever measured up to my Macbook. My Mac is the one thing I use every single day in college and could never ever live without. Take the plunge and get the computer! If you divide it by four years, it's only about $250 a year, which is about the cost of a parking pass.

People will tell you this, and please please believe them. No matter how hard a class is, if you give it your all, and show up, you're on the track to pass. I don't care if you went to bed at 5 AM the night before. I don't care if you look like the loch ness monster. Get your butt in a seat in class, and if you get bored just take notes like its your job. When I have a boring teacher, I act like it's my job to transcribe the class. By writing out the key points of the lecture, I was keeping interest in the class. On days when I just couldn't pay attention, I used an app on my computer to record the lecture and listen to it back again later. A note to freshman: don't be that douche that starts to pack up from class five minutes early. You're being loud and distracting, and trust me when I say the professor notices. If there is ever a subject you can't quite grasp or that you have a question on, always utilize the professor's office hours. Each college professor has a set amount of hours each week where he or she is available to talk. Write these down somewhere, along with their email, just in case.

5. The freshman 15 is REAL.
Oh the beloved cafeteria. With your endless buffet, desserts, drinks, and yummy food, how could you forsake me by causing my pants to not zip up. Most schools have a cafeteria, and most freshman have a meal plan. Try to set a rule for yourself that you'll only have desert so many days out of the week, and keep an eye on the amount of food you grab. Always get a small portion of meals. If you eat all that you have and still feel hungry, you can always go back. But most of the time your eyes are bigger than your stomach, and this can lead to waste (and a bigger waistline.) See what I did there.

6. Use the resources.
When you pay tuition, you're funding the campus bus system (praise!) the gym (see number 5,) counselors (for when your roommate drives you nuts,) computer tech geeks (for when you can't watch Netflix because your wifi sucks,) the Career Center (for when you need a job!) and the holy grail of all resources- the library. You are paying for these services, and many others, so use them!

 For me, college was my dream. I got to pick the classes I wanted to take, the library never closed, and I was on my own with amazing friends. Going to college is nothing like high school, and can be wonderful if you allow it to be. Be bold, go to events, and have fun. Remember that you're there to get a job, but also to learn to live! There is no real, right way to do college. Be excited that you made it here, and enjoy the ride!

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